14 Mart 2022 Pazartesi

Is Music Habituation Related To Genetic Factors?

The taste in music is one of the points that creates the most significant difference among the individual interests. People may not find enough time to read a book or have enough reading habit to notice what kind of books to like. In those days that cinema has dropped off the map, it's been proven that the habit of watching series is generally influenced by the circle of friends. But, music creates an inevitable habit because it becomes a background that could accompany people all day long. Well what is the thing that shapes a person's music taste?

The most important factor that affects an individual's music taste has been expounded as environmental factors. Being influenced by the social circle, the habit of listening to music acquired by the family from the early childhood years and being exposed to a spesific music genre are the environmental factors that shape the taste in music and the habit of listening. 

In the studies carried out up to now, it's been marked that the music tastes of family members with poor communication are similar even though they are unaware of each other. Except that, it's also been marked that family members who share the same environment could have very different tastes in music. According to these results, genetic factors are effective at the rate of 50% in acqusition of musical habits and this rate can not be ignored; but it's also concluded that it wouldn't be sufficient for a clear result. Now it's considered about the factors that support or make insignificant the genetic factors could be individual's social circle, life philosophy and mental state. What kind of music do you like and do you really think you're affected by your genes?

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